Thursday, February 6, 2014

Hey, remember me? It's your blog... I miss you.

First and foremost

Sorry there was such a lapse in articles.

So, 2013 was pretty insane. I bought a house, took my Linux+ tests (a few times...), painted the entire interior of said house, taught myself a little PHP, a little Ruby and a lot about how to not to build on surfaces that aren't even or level. In all of that, I managed to find time to start, but not finish a few new posts. Now that the spackle dust has settled and the paint rollers have been put down for a while, it's time to get back to writing...
I have plans for at least the next 10 posts. Five of which have been roughed out,  two more researched and outlined and the other three are for a new section of the blog that is to be announced along with the next blog post. Keep an eye out for later announcements for those as well. Also included in the mix of things is a completely new url and site for the blog to move to. I've been working on this in secret so not even my wife knows whats up... I'm excited, you should be too.
The next post is due out before the middle of February, marking the beginning of  a trend of 1 or more new posts every week. It's a 4th part to my series about moving to Ubuntu Linux and the world of open source software. I've got a few ideas about a series covering basic Linux commands and their most commonly used options so if you are a new Linux user or want to be, expect some good reads on that.

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